Tag Archives: father’s day

A Fathers Influence

The prevailing statement in the biblical records of the kings of Israel and Judah in the books of Jon and Mick copy1st and 2nd Kings is this, “and ______ became king. He did evil/good in the sight of the Lord as did his father.”

A dad present, absent, involved, indifferent or even unknown will shape the emotional and spiritual health, values and character of his child well into adulthood.

Fathers matter. A great deal.

Though the reward for years of teaching, training, playing, listening, loving, providing and sacrifice, may not be obvious at this moment, plod on.

Sometimes you are weary, flawed, imperfect, but don’t give up. Be your kid’s dad to the best of your ability and in the grace and strength of your Heavenly Father.

Mick and Dave copyEventually the fruit of your influence will ripen to maturity and you will be blessed with a rich harvest. You will leave a legacy of good for the next generation.

Thanks Dads, for all you do for your children, for your commitment to your family.

You ARE making a difference.

Happy Father’s Day!

Asa FaceTime with Mick                                                         Grandson Asa talking to Grampa!



All In Dads

According to statistics the average divorce rate in America hovers around fifty percent and forty-three percent of children growing up in America today are being raised without fathers

One sure thing statistics and common sense do show is children need their dads. I understand there are often circumstances beyond control so my goal is not to heap guilt on anyone. Most parents can create plenty of that on their own.

But since today is Father’s Day I want to salute all the dads who make the mammoth effort to be in their kids lives, love them, raise them, teach them, and support them (divorced or not). You are more significant than you will ever know.

The ones who stay for the long haul are those who make the difference.  Those who are a constant in the life of a child forge that life into something deeper, stronger, without major gaps and holes.

Some statistics point to higher divorce rates in marriages where a child with a disability exists, although there are conflicting reports over the actual numbers, the added stress it brings to the family can be challenging. But my kid’s dad stayed, through it all.

Our youngest son is grown and out of our home now, but my husband is still here, helping me find Jonathan when he wanders, staying home with him so I can go and do, and dealing with the craziness and blessing that having a forever child responsibility in life brings.

Mike has been an anchor the boys and I have counted on over the years to pray, work hard, provide, instruct and love. He dragged kids around in the family van, took them on business trips when it would have been easier to leave them home. He’s endured are-we-there-yet car trips and paid for diapers, doctor bills, hamster and guinea pig food, bicycles, broken windows, braces and college when he probably would have preferred a newer car.

He’s stuck around for the sleepovers, home schooling, speech therapy, school IEP meetings,  Special Olympics, Legos, music lessons, guitars, drum sets, skateboards, paintball, the learners permit and mom’s melt down days.

My Kid’s Dad has taught us much about the value of plodding, loyalty, hard work, spending money wisely, being fair, keeping your word, treating people right and living life with integrity, honor and faith in a loving God who created us.

It’s has been and still is a wild ride, but he hangs on tight and keeps us moving forward.

So today I want to publicly honor you, Michael Connis. You are my kid’s dad and you are amazing.

Thanks for staying.

Thanks for never giving up on our nutty, wonderful family!.

We love you. Happy Father’s Day!

Proverbs 20:6 (NIV)Many claim to have unfailing love, but a faithful person who can find?