Appropriate Words

Well, family, friends and future readers – here I am at last. 

Many of you have been telling me that I need to do this, create a place where I can share the thoughts I write with a larger audience. I’ve been reluctant for a long time, but won’t put it off any longer.

Writing is very personal for me. A way to process then release all the parts of life that bring reflection, learning, growth, laughter, tears, worry, doubt, difficulty and despair. I guess you could call it my therapy, a spa for my heart, soul and mind.  

Words are powerful and cannot be retrieved once released. There is certainly an unlimited supply of them floating around in cyberspace so I ask myself, do we need more? Does anyone really need mine? It’s one thing to write for yourself, entirely another to throw your deepest thoughts out there for the world to ponder and analyze.  My hope is to be an encouragement and proclaim Jesus as central to all of life. His mercy, grace and love is the best and only solution to every possible detail of the human condition.

Proverbs 25:11(CEV) states, The right word at the right time is like precious gold set in silver. I pray the words expressed here deliver some level of peace, comfort, grace and joy to the reader; and though you may not agree on every point, my hope is that something communicated will be the right word at the right time just for you.

One thought on “Appropriate Words

  1. Faith Bogdan

    Yay! I get to leave the first comment! I'm so glad you started this blog. I think the question is not, "do we need more words?" but "do we need them put a different way?" The answer will always be yes, because expression of thought through writing is art, and is inspired by the great Artist Himself. I'm looking forward to more of your masterpieces! 🙂

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